2021/2022: Shafts and propellers Shafts inspected and balanced Shaft bearings replaced Propellers inspected and balanced
Rudders Rudders and bearings removed and inspected
Valves and seacocks Grey water pipes and valves serviced and replaced Bilge pipes and valves overhauled Fire system, pipes and valves overhauled Black water pipes and valves overhauled AC cooling pipes and valves overhauled
Electric system New isolation transformer installed Service batteries replaced Main switch board overhauled
Hydraulic system Complete overhaul Two main engines' PTO replaced Electric PTO overhauled Valves replaced Heat exchanger replaced Cooling pump replaced New back-up system for the cooling system installed All piping and fittings on the cooling system replaced All sensor for oil level and temperature replaced
Bow Thruster External unit removed, inspected and serviced Coupling serviced Shaft controlled
Stabilizers Bearings replaced Both potentiometers replaced Electro vans serviced All piping and fittings on the cooling system replaced
Gangway and aft watertight door General service of all unit Hydraulic seals replaced Hydraulic pistons seals overhauled PLC replaced
Side boarding ladders General service on both units Hydraulic seals replaced PLC replaced
Windlass and mooring winches Windlass serviced Mooring winches serviced
Water maker General service Booster pump replaced
Pumps Fresh water, bilge pump, fire pump, fuel pump, grey water pumps all serviced
Hot water New boiler with 4 resistances installed Pumps and valves overhauled
Accommodation New shower on engineer's bathroom installed Interior touch-ups carried out Ceiling panels in all accommodation areas painted Galley marble polished
Deck New loose deck furniture on all 3 decks + new cushions Caulking touch-ups Teak treatment
Main engines General service carried out, new oil, filters for oil and fuel replaced Oil analysis carried out on engines and gearboxes Fuel transfer pump serviced
Air conditioning General maintenance on compressors Head exchanger replaced Fan coils serviced Two fan coils replaced
Bilges Engine room and lazaretto bilges painted 2020/2021: New furniture on skylounge All services up-to-date New hydraulic system (2 PTOs, bow thruster, coolers, rams for stabilizers, all hoses) New TV on sundeck Bottom paint New Shaft and Rudder seals Props balanced and propspeed |